Un excellente idée que ce nouveau service : Pal To Pal est un blog-annuaire qui répertorie et commente tous les logiciels sociaux, les blogs, les bases de données partagées en ligne, les services P2P, le podcasting, le grid computing et les wikis, bref, tout se qui se partage.
A l'initiative de ce projet, Cyril Fievet, rédacteur de Pointblog, de Nanoblog et co-auteur de l'ouvrage “Blog Story”.
paltopal.com is a blog/directory dedicated to collaborative and sharing tools, ie P2P, blogs, wikis, podcasting and other social tools that people are using (mainly) to share something with other people.
This directory does not intend to be huge or complete. Rather, it presents a subjective selection of tools and websites that appear to be the most interesting - or fun.
Most of the tools described here are in English, but some are in French.
A visiter d'urgence : paltopal.com