Vous avez encore un peu de temps pour faire connaître ceux que vous voudriez voir nomminés aux “2004 Engadget Awards”
Here are the different categories, please post your nominations (not votes, remember!) there:
Gadget of the Year
Disappointment of the Year
Merger of the Year
Worst Gadget of the Year
Comeback of the Year
Most Anticipated Gadget of 2005
Cellphone of the Year
Desktop of the Year
Digital Camera of the Year
Display of the Year
Game Console of the Year
GPS Device or Application of the Year
Handheld of the Year
Home Electronics Device of the Year
Laptop of the Year
Media PC of the Year
Peripheral of the Year
Portable Audio Player of the Year
Personal Video Player of the Year
Robot of the Year
Tablet PC of the Year
Wearable of the Year
Wireless Technology of the Year
A vous de jouer sur Engadget : The 2004 Engadget Awards